Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun


When titled mother and daughter visit “Arles”, they always go through different routes; 2/3 in Tsukuba toward the shop, the same in Tsuchiura from there home. The latter let them pass by a crossroad where Mr. O, husband of beloved Master Mei-Shu, takes just 3 minutes on foot to his place. He would still keep the lesson room clean with a 木札, wooden nameplate of that gentle lady hung above 床の間 alcove.

Fierce Forecast


And solar November starts from today. However, Mei-Shun is a bit scare of 夏日=summer day in higher than 25 degrees Celsius from tomorrow. They say it would happen approximately every decade. How about 2013? Her memory does not save data of hot autumn. 2012 was the year when she gained 名取 diploma. Examined by 京鹿子娘道成寺, that August was really torrid.

Celebrate Chrysanthemum


We have 重陽の節句, lunar September 9th today. It is the last of 五節句=5 days of odd numbers on this calendar following; January 7th=七草, March 3rd=桃, May 5th=端午 and July 7th=七夕. January 1st was too special to be included. It anyway reminds Mei-Shun of beloved Master Mei-Shu, who kindly gave her last 名取 many kimonos, obi sashes and coats.

Tender Term


Real autumn finally began. Mei-Shun puts on a cotton yukata, summer kimono after shampoo these days. It is the way people did in Edo Period (1603-1867) when they normally go to public baths. Hmm, silk ones might have to wait 2 weeks ahead; we still see 25 degrees Celsius in daytime. Was October so warm 7 years before for us, in intensive practice of 汐汲, Master Mei-Shu?

Blue and Brown


Meow, one of mom’s favorite sports started in Nagoya from Sunday. And it is yesterday when 2 of our 3 air conditioners stopped cooling: their outdoor units are set on the roof floor. Since main goals of current repair include leakage avoidance, they need to be removed until next week. She therefore gave up putting on a yukata given by beloved Master Mei-Shu on 16th 中日.

Copyright © 2023 Angel Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Kimono Kitchen


Here comes a nice Friday to Mei-Shun who vacuumed rooms before hanging a silk one with an obi sash from Master Mei-Shu and obi-shime, a decorative string to hold it from Shin. Weekly schedule of the wife of the latter decided to include kabuki dance practice at home. Ms. Piano has to be played with long sleeves put in 襷掛け=tasuki-kake, cross binding by a 腰紐=koshi-himo cord.

Fine Finding


Thanks a million, Professor M. His rights on above image all reserved, 2022. He asked  Mei-Shun the other day if her kabuki dance lesson would soon resume. Well, it might take a bit more time since that “novel” coronavirus is currently swirling among us in recent variant. Such an experience is not agreeable, yet gave her a chance to recognize how excellent beloved Master Mei-Shu was.

Artistic Autumn


菊廼舎=Kikunoya kindly sent a seasonal brochure to Mei-Shun the other day. 冨貴寄=fuki-yose, their main and the best product reminds her of stages she performed so far — and shop name is similar to the party she belonged to. Master Mei-Shu, your last 名取 refrains from lessons these days. However, she never forget respect and thankfulness to you while love to dance.

Magnificent Masters


Mei-Shun walked 5 minutes to a hair salon this morning. While waiting for dyeing medicine to work well absorbed, she found a magazine featuring actress mother and daughter in nice kimono. The former is Ms. F whom beloved Master Mei-Shu admired while the latter Ms. T, elder sister of kabuki actor 尾上菊之助. He or Master Sen-Sha said that it was really sad to lose his party several years before.

Brilliant Births


It was found yesterday that Master Bando was born on March 22nd, Aries. Mei-Shun asked when it is, expecting sincere celebration for this gentle lady. Ms. S’s is June 26th, Cancer who joined amazing 3 born in the same month, yet Gemini family members of above 名取. It might be why her 2 instructors were in good relation, since beloved Master Mei-Shu was Sagittarius.