Joy of Green


Necklace finally bloomed. Mei-Shun was very happy when saw one flower in a pot, happier as others follow in a few days. Since several buds were grown outdoors, she let them join indoor friends. On the other hand, 豆苗 or pea seedlings came to her kitchen for the first time. According to an explanation, second harvest would be available in a few weeks. How do you feel in this package of Cobb salad?

From Kyoto


Thanks a million, Shin, a hard worker even on weekends. Following are his souvenirs including 縮緬山椒=chirimen sansho, dried anchovy and Japanese pepper and 千枚漬=sen-mai-zuke, 聖護院 horseradish pickles by Mei-Shun’s request. And the best is a bag of cute, round rice cakes. They are amazingly soft and tasty after a whole day, no need to bake to put into お雑煮=o-zoni, our new-year soup.

Bye and Hi


Meow, Mr. Aladdin went into a long sleep, left us to be replaced by Mr. Blue. His name comes from color of flame, not from his chocolate brown body. He is a bit smaller than the former who was purchased via internet by dad only, because mom stayed in a hospital. This time they went to a household appliances store together. He is cute, quiet and powerful. Purr … purrr …

Copyright © 2019 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Partial Eclipse


It means a new moon tonight, start of lunar December. However, it was cloudy enough to let Mei-Shun totally absorbed in horsey riding lessons final in 2019. Mr. Tea Time, thanks a lot for being such a good boy. You and Ms. I taught her how to control your speed, to make clear turns. Her next goal is a canter on you. Ms. Last One, the last lady she rode this year, your gallop gave her an excellent exultation.


Just Thankful


Mei-Shun sometimes wonders if she can exactly express her gratitude to Shin, yet please let her say that his generosity, patience and … love is profoundly appreciated as always. Beautiful bouquet full of her favorite colors, too heavy to hold in a silver pot representing their 25th anniversary. Cool helmet for horsey riding with velvet surface and Swarovski stones. Lovely 簪, a kimono accessory coated by Japanese lacquer.

X’mas Together


They have joined Shin and Mei-Shun’s place recently. Titled “Blue Bins”, a lovely girl with her hair bound in a chignon looks at you. She might be a princess of a castle within one of these bottles. Thank you for coming out of it. Could you save eyes of your new family? On the other hand, he/she has not yet had any name, born within Kaori-san‘s world to represent a drop of water.

Love To


Master Bando gave Mei-Shun a phone call thanking to an year-end greeting sweets the latter sent the other day. Actually, she was under a warming machine to let dyeing paste absorb into her hair when her smart phone rang. Master Mei-Shu would laugh if she saw her last 名取 chat with both ears covered by protective caps. Anyway, Kikunoe, Mei-Shun intends to stand on a stage next autumn.

Fluffy Friends


Hi, do you reside here? Where is your partner or child today? This is the second time Mei-Shun see him/her and looking-like another on the way to the nearest shrine. His/her elegant beige coat, beady eyes and round smile was so attractive that she could not stop taking a photo. Thanks a lot for your good posing. And you as well, Tora-chan, just before rushing towards this photographer or a close friend outdoors.

Friendly Lunch


Mei-Shun went to 吉祥寺, Tokyo to meet with Kaori-san. Since they could not chat enough in Kyoto last month, fixed an appointment on today to fill their tea cups of satisfaction. Although both of them had a slight cold, they gave energy one another by shopping around, nice meal and lemon squash. The former is mainly in charge of listening while the latter speaking.

Nostalgic Kimono


One and a half year have passed since Mei-Shun said good-bye to Master Mei-Shu II. To profound gratitude of the former, Mr. O, husband of the late master, kindly invited her and Professor M to home tonight. They held a tiny party to celebrate 2019 going soon, their health and friendship tied over kabuki dance. Which of these three should be put on by your last 名取, sensei?