Super & Splendid


Ms. Manifest, thank a million for helping Mei-Shun gallop in a wider field. She currently designates your friend ladies Last One and Sagittarius; the former for trot and walk, the latter gallop. On the other hand, she keeps several lessons open to enjoy communication with other boys and girls including you, among most expensive horseies. And Mr. Tea Time, you are just perfect being ever-lovely.



Shin and Mei-Shun visited one of their favorite soba restaurant for lunch. Yes, he is going for a business trip on weekend, made today off to stay with her. After a nice meal, they drove to a site where beautiful cherry trees are accommodated; violet pink, weeping one in similar shade, pale pink 染井吉野, etc. The last is almost full bloom in Tokyo, yet still in buds around here.

Fried soba is among normal tempra.


Floating Clouds


Oh, Mikan-chan, please stay asleep on the sofa when mom plays “Lieder Ohne Worte” Op.53.No.2, composed by Master Mendelssohn. It is one of her favorite pieces, sounds nice and serves good for finger stretching. Or if she practice more to gain a flowing tune, would you listen quietly like Momo-chan, Princess Peach in our garden does? She bloomed from 10% to 60% in a few days.

Spring Symbol


Shin and Mei-Shun enjoyed lunch at 大志満 in 高輪 area. It was cloudy around noon, a little sad cherry blossom looked in 30%. However, every dish was full of pink shade starting from following bowl of squid and 麩=fu, wheat-gluten cake with tofu-sauce topped. A twig of flowering cherry was attached to sashimi plate. Dessert included sakura-flavored bean jelly.

Mademoiselle Vert


Thank you so much, Professor S. Mei-Shun received a lovely orchid from that intelligent, yet soft-touch lady on Saturday. It was almost the same day when she kindly came to see the ex-inpatient at hospital 4 years before with a bouquet of colorful sweet peas. And it was also the brilliant timing when Ms. Yellow Card woke up from one-year nap to bloom again.

Day of Cat


Meow-meow, 12 months all have my day. February is the most famous among fanciers of my species, while mom takes it special every month. However, she went out to see horsey from 9 : 00. I am so much a good girl, started relaxation time on the roof floor. Dad stayed waiting for a parcel, departed soon to let me alone. It is warm today, gave me a comfortable nap until mom returned before sunset. Purrr …

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Japanese Culture?@holiday


Mei-Shun visited a beauty salon for a hair-dye in the morning. Shin is at a barber right now for a haircut. They never share a shop for hair-dressing, seems to be normal in our country; many women go to the wife’s favorite, men do the husband’s. As 春分 or vernal equinox today, we might be separated equivalently into day and night. By the way, her reason for not going with him is skin trouble with razor.


White after White


Plum blossom was almost over and 白木蓮=haku-mokuren, magnolia would follow. Horsetails also does on the way to the nearest shrine, where Mei-Shun lately drew an omikuji lot saying she has the least luck. Since someone might deceive her into trouble, she must be wary to recognize good or bad ones. Well, a difficult mission — there is nobody pernicious closely around her.

An Enigma


Dieter Mei-Shin tends to eat slowly, masticating well. It looks good for health, yet might as well stimulate her stomach little by little to crave one more bite, over and over. She therefore takes too long a time to eat 80% of capacity. On the other hand, Shin and his mother eat so quickly that his wife still has half of her serving when they finish theirs up. Why one of them burly while the other skinny?

Your Highness


Please kindly take Mei-Shun’s appreciation for your graceful exhibition so far. Almost 2 months have passed since the eldest Princess Cymby bloomed. Now she looks a bit tired, others would follow soon. Timing has come to remove them from pot throne to a vase. Now your friend in the garden is ready to receive your baton, dance in a pink kimono, with several hasty buds on the edge of her sleeves.