Amicable Angels


Today’s partner of Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun was Mademoiselle Angel. She reminds the latter of “L’harmonie des anges” composed by Master Burgmüller. The other day its melody suddenly stopped flowing on Ms. Piano. Such accidents in simple scores often occur, let a poor player repeat practice. Would you agree, a 3rd crescent who looks like an eye open a little?

Meow May


Purr, solar one starts from today. I and mom were scheduled to go out for horsey riding, yet it rains from early morning. We therefore canceled lessons with Mr. White Mocha this afternoon, changed others tomorrow with Mr. Loki. By the way, our 晴耕雨読 rule makes us read, study, cook, clean, etc. at home. Now shall we sing moonlight scores on Ms. Piano, expecting 雨月 tonight?

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Fluffy and Full


We would expect a round moon tonight, yet a rainfall started from early morning. Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun hope it will stop within today to let them see that celestial beauty. On the other paw, they wish horsey riding field drier than rice paddy tomorrow. Now it is time for her mom to sing those 2 scores with Ms. Piano — half of people passing by still use umbrellas.

Practice Pressure


Mei-Shun often makes mistakes on Ms. Piano, even in her favorite “Clair de Lune” composed by Master Debussy. When she concentrates well, finger movement and key positions seem to melt into melodies flowing smoothly. However, sudden stops force her to read scores again. She wonders which key a note means, writes down sharps or flats with a pencil stub.

Traumatic Träumerei


Lunar March starts from today. Before Mei-Shun got injured in a finger, she had played a moonlight score composed by Master Debussy first rather than another by M. Beethoven. However, last week heard opposite turn while followed by “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” as usual. Oh, Master Schumann appeared from below — she would practice some looking easy yet not.

Little Laborer


Mei-Shun’s left pinkie seems to have 90% recovered. Almost no pain any more, she tried Ms. Piano last night after dancing with Mr. White Mocha. Smallest among five, it hardly works alone while helps others a lot. Especially when she holds heavy items like Mr. Sirius — her hands lift it onto his back with all 8 larger family members balanced well by 2 babies.

Oops, Ouch


Mei-Shun’s left little finger is 1.5 times in size from last night. It was her awful mistake to put it on open boot of Ms. Scarlet while taking off horsey riding boots. Its basculle door silently came down, pressed such a tiny part that felt like a thunderbolt. Shin kindly ordered her favorite food delivery. Ms. Piano, you would sing with her right hand only for a time.

Cute Collection


Mei-Shun has put scores of “Habanera” and “La Cinquantaine” under her favorite “Clair de Lune” composed by Master Debussy, thanks to 3-month practice. Their melody began to flow, allowed to join others including “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” for Shin. It is perhaps eyes and fingers who learn which keys should be pressed, ears and brain memorize harmony.

Crystal Cats


Mei-Shun practiced above today, piled right-hand on Ms. Piano. She has chosen left molehill including “Clair de Lune”, “Habanera” and “La Cinquantaine” since the end of last year, almost forgot to play scores composed by Master Chopin except for ” Lento con gran espressione”. One of the reasons is a gift from Shin, normally put on a book of M. Beethoven suites.

Windy Wing


… she really has. 2 works Mei-Shun purchased at Kaori-san’s exhibition in Kyoto finally arrived. The latter calls this girl “ハイイロ髪” or grey hair, while the former silver; she prefers shiny expression leading to her fluffy daughter. Her emerald eyes appear in green clothes, lets mom feel satisfied. Smaller one would stay on a dining table, the other bigger lid of Ms. Piano.