Thank Thee


So this is the end of 2021, the last weekday and report on cat, dance, piano, etc. from Mei-Shun. They taught her a lot through an year as usual:

Cats work every day with their loveliness. They might do their jobs the most at home.

Kabuki dance requires good body trunk first. Muscle follows next.

Piano does concentration. Practice before singing by fingers.

Fine Friend


Meow, Tora-chan stays at a hospital from today. According to mom, she “stopped” from last week; never eat, never move, just drink water. When the former brought some of my jelly sticks downstairs, the latter said purr and licked two up. However, that became her last meal in 2021. Getting into mom’s kimono-laundry net, she was driven to a veterinarian in Tsukuba City.

Copyright © 2021 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Sweet Scent


Here they are, 蝋梅=robai flowers. Mei-Shun is really happy to see them bloom safely, never eaten up all by birds like the year before last. Her mother grew several young trees from fallen seeds, let her younger daughter choose the healthiest one. And it is mother-in-law of the latter who plant it at the best place of our garden. Good leaves protect their fragrant yellow.

Black Beauty


Mei-Shun visited a cleaning shop to receive a kimono, 帯=obi sashes and silk 手拭=Japanese towel she used on a stage to play the role of 白拍子花子. The 1st 黒留袖=black kimono with gorgeous patterns at the bottom is her mothers, the 2nd 半幅帯=half-in-height sashes are from beloved Master Mei-Shu. Thanks a lot for giving fine technique to 3 women involved.

Double Dance


Thank you so much, Ms. Manifest and Princess Maria. These ladies were kind partners in Mei-Shun’s final dance of 2021 at a horsey riding club. She actually sees herself weird in canter these days. One reason is clear: too less practice than before. In order to put on well 二足の草鞋=2 pairs of sandals for hobbies, she has to control pessimistic emotion — find good, be effective.

Saturday Soon


So Mei-Shun made the final visit to a hair salon, just a minute walk from home today. There the owner beautician had a lot of phone calls, mainly for reservation within 2021. She said December is the busiest, her schedule is already full. And we have Christmas/New Year’s Eves on Fridays, what a timing! However, it is tomorrow that is the most important for Shin and his wife.

Rule Returns


Oh-oh, Mei-Shun’s English textbook called her “d.e.b.” again. She came home after dancing with Princess Maria around teatime. A scale informed her on a half of sugar bag added to the number shown last week. In fact, she knows the reason for it; party with alcohol and dessert on Friday night, instead of morning alone. Slight cold followed toward Monday, forced her to stay indoors with no exercise.



Yes, final day of mine a month in 2021 has come. We also have 冬至=toji, the 4th of winter 二十四節気 while the shortest daytime of the year today. Mom put several yuzu citrus junos into a bathtub downstairs for dad this morning, telling me that she and mom-in-law would enjoy it at night. Well, I do not dislike their scent maybe because of my own name. Purr …

Copyright © 2021 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Green Greeting


Mei-Shun took the year-end lesson from Master Bando today. She dropped in her favorite tea shop to purchase; green tea for herself, 和紅茶=normal tea grown in our country and ほうじ茶=roasted green tea for the master and Ms. S. The latter lady gave this 名取 several 柚子=yuzu and sweets. Oh, a phone message from a kimono cleaning shop was found at home.

Saw So-So


Mei-Shun is cordially grateful to let you kind 451 followers know that she enjoyed above delicacy at 友部 last weekend. Well, her rule in weight control is to do so mainly on Fridays — after checking numbers on a scale, coming back home from her horsey riding club. However, last Thursday gave her the title while forced Shin to stay in Tokyo. That made both ends meet.