

Half of 2016 has already passed. This Japanese confectionery written in 水無月, meaning June, is popular in Kyoto. We have no time to drop in on sweets shops last time, so ordered it from たねや as usual. Shin has made a step into summer diet. Now a competition between him and Mei-Shun starts — winner would have a right to ask him/her to buy his/her favorite food!

minazuki (2)

Are U Piano?


We have taken Kuro-chan II as one of Tora-chan’s boyfriends so far, yet he might be “she”. They often stay together these days, yet no serenade is heard around our garden. And compared to Kuro-chan I, you look pretty slim. Your black jacket, white shirt and socks resemble the ones of that kitten named by Mei-Shun …

kuro II nearby (2)

After 1Y + 12Wks


It is really nice to be able to forget your disease: Mei-Shun seems to be used to receive a “Yes” phone call from Dr. A. She rang Mei-Shun’s cellphone on 19th, Sunday. Kindly let her apologize for delayed up to this weblog. She hopes to keep such mindset as long as possible.

Joy of New Tatami


Please find our Japanese-style bedroom reset. It took just 30 minutes for the master to bring in and place 6 mats. Looked like a very simple jigsaw puzzle, he did the same as previous ones fit onto buffers. Oh, how nice to see this green! They also give out refreshing scent. “Such freshness would be kept for around 3 months”, the master said. Well, it means this summer serves us cooler nights (^^),

tatami wiped (2) tatami renewed (2)


Home Renewal


We are going to renew the gas range, dishwasher and tatami mats one after another. Today’s clouds have been kind enough to wait until they remove and bring out the last ones. It is the first time for Mei-Shun to see under the mats. She was a little shocked at the amount of dust accumulated in 16 years. Clean, clean, vacuum, let’s clean.

old tatami tatami-age

Ladies’ Tresses


乙戸沼 Park accommodates one of Mei-Shun’s favorite wild flowers called 捩花=neji-bana. They share simbiotic bacteria with some kind of lawn, she has heard. Actually, they had been found in our garden years before, made Mei-Shun very happy. However, many mower users including Shin are not interested in that lovely little orchid at all, tend to eradicate them in a minute…

ladies' tresses2ladies' tresses (2)



Have you ever seen this cute, white creature? Looking like a baby, it is a delicacy of cheese ball filled with strings and cream. An Italian master living in Hokkaido is the only person who has technique to make it in Japan, Shin said. He seems quite right — one of Mei-Shun’s best impressions on that area is amazingly tasty dairy products, followed by potatoes and beer.

burrata (2)burrata2 (2)burrata3 (2)

The Longest Day


… should have seen today on 夏至=ge-shi, the 10th of 二十四節気. However, most of us cannot recognize it in the middle of rainy season. It happened this year again — might be better to have a drought. More water is waited for our jug in Gunma Prefecture.

Foggy Paddy


We meet the sun as early as 5 o’clock in summer, yet he never appears 3 hours later today. Well, quite lucky for Mei-Shun — it is so nice to walk in morning fog. Birds seem stay in the bed, so do annoying flies above muddy water. She could save sunscreen cream as well, only a cap would work in this cool condition.

foggy paddy


Green, green


Please find below Mei-Shun’s newest fan for Japanese dance. 京扇堂, Shin’s recommendation of great art for a long time, met his wife at last this Wednesday. Just a step into the shop lead them to this shining green. How beautiful you are! Could you join Mei-Shun for practice 汐汲 at home? Ah, you would if accompanied by these coats. All right, let’s say “thank you very much” together to our generous sponsor.

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