Piano Pit


Mr. O, home “doctor” of Ms. Piano gave Mei-Shun a phone call. It was to make a reservation to tune the former: an annual check, very important for her health. According to recent news, much less people take such tests this year. The latter is one of them, looking forward to going 六本木 after we can stay safe with that novel coronavirus.

Enviable Okinawa cat, long-legged

Stay or Stray


Mei-Shun sees many baby geckos these days; their parents live outdoors, themselves indoors. So cute they are, so little that easy to be Mikan-chan’s target. When she meows weirdly, it means one has been locked on. If it is on the wall for example, it would be safer yet on the floor — fluffy honey, you do not need to hunt foods. Tora-chan did before to survive in the field.

Spirited Spot


Walking to the nearest shrine alone has taken 3 months and a week for Mei-Shun. How nice to see blue sky, feeling cool breeze along green rice paddy! Yes, it seems to have been harvested safely during rainy last serial holidays or Silver Week. Omikuji lots said 末吉=sue-kichi, the least luck for herself while 吉=kichi, lucky for Shin. Red spider lilies might be over, just white ones kindly welcomed her.

Amazing Appetite?


Oh, no, Mei-Shun would not eat them up by herself, of course not. Now fed her eyes enough, bring them downstairs for mom-in-law to choose some. Dear sweets, thanks for being pretty, tasty and lower caloric. And Ms. Piano, please let her practice on you that beautiful score composed by Master Bach. She would like to welcome Shin by playing it well on Sunday, when he returns from Okinawa.

Glistening Guest


Hi, cute bug. It was you who made rustles in the living room. Mei-Shun sat on the sofa reading newspapers, with Mikan-chan sleeping on her legs. Rainfall caused by Typhoon XII or Dolphin prevented her from going out to dance with horseies, only by herself indoors. You might cling to the laundry, reached this dried bouquet looking for food. Come, Princess Cymby in the verandah would be better to relax on.

Charming Coincidence


Careless Mei-Shun often drops items on the floor. The most recent one was her diary from a table, when a piece of paper slipped under a chair. It was a memo from Dr. A who has given this ex-inpatient “Yes” phone calls for these 5 years. According to it, that happy message was first received on February 8th in 2020. How about the second after half an year? It was on August 8th.

Ripe rice ears

My Day


Meow, we also have 秋分 or autumnal equinox, the 4th of 二十四節気 in current season today. Day and night will be the same in length, as my tail got a bit thinner on both side around the base. Mom, please do not worry too much. 2 weeks have already passed since you saw my home veterinarian Dr. O, who said no tick bit me perhaps. Just hold, stroke and brush me up as much as you can.

Copyright © 2020 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Japanese Culture@holiday


It is a great pleasure for Mei-Shun to walk with Shin. They woke up early in the morning, visited the nearest shrine after as long as 3 months. 乙戸沼 Park saw the same interval of above couple for the same reason last week, let the wife contemplate her age. With Respect for the Aged today, she is still behind such maturity. However, health management would become harder.

Mom’s Mine


Meow, it is a bit too cool for me these days. Mom said that rainfalls between 4 seasons in our country are all called 梅雨. The most famous one in June is simply named so, while current another 秋霖=shurin or ススキ梅雨=susuki, Japanese silver grass rain. She likes such shifts in an year, has to take good care of me as well. It means to hold me for at least 30 minutes a day. Purr …

Copyright © 2020 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

New Moon


Lunar August starts from today. It is also 八朔=hassaku, a timing to prepare for typhoons like 二百十日 and 二百二十日 counted from 立春=risshun, the first of 二十四節気. Well, not a storm but a tropical cyclone might come up to cover Kanto Area. Mei-Shun visited the club to dance with Princess Maria, Mr. Hallelujah Sunday and Mr. Tea Time, perspired enough to see her goal weight at night.