Cannot Wait


Mom, I’m still hungry. Why you take so long a time to clean my restroom? Please serve me crispy food, rather than wet one. I finished up all gel around them. Meow, that’s it. You weigh and pour it onto my bowl, before leaving again? Okay, I’ll help myself.


Now, on behalf of my mom, I would express the most profound appreciation to you gentle followers. Today’s post is the last for 2016. Looking forward to finding you well next week and year, please kindly let us say 良いお年を!=Purrrrrrr …


Copyright © 2016 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Lunar December


It has started from today while winter vacation in solar calendar. As the best day to make a wish, Mei-Shun walked to the nearest shrine. Interested in her wish? Health, of course. 2016 has only three days left, she has not yet reached the goal — perhaps one and a half (or two!) bags of sugar stay all over her body. Without moonlight, with sacred protection of 大吉=the luckiest omikuji, she would pull her socks up and resume necessary efforts.


Happy Riding


Today’s lesson was the last of this year for Mei-Shun. Thank you, Madoka-chan. She has learned so much from you. Image of the first day they met with each other is still clear in her mind: you were so shy that never let her see your front face. Ms. I, your main “mom” in our club always had to prepare something tasty to lead you out of the stall. It is once upon a time for you, smart girl? And to you as well, dear Dreamer. It is a kind of surprise luck to see you again after 10 months.

Monster Assault


Oh, you hurt our princess, didn’t you? Hid under leaves in daylight, worked after dark? Such a bad boy will be thrown away with a pair of chopsticks. Now, one of the triplets gave the first flower this morning while injured one takes longer time to grow her buds. It might be caused by her thinner, browned stem. That is all right, your highness. Please do not be in a hurry, just make sure and steady strides forward. Your little twin sisters would wait for you to flourish.


As You Like It


They look so cute, don’t they? And it depends as well. They are free to choose places to bloom; some are on the leaf while others below. They accompanied the bouquet of 40 roses, gift for松風 or Mei-Shun from her prime patron Shin. We have not seen them until she dismantle the big bundle to clean. Such humble supporters are sincerely respected in Japan, called 縁の下の力持ち=en-no-shita-no-chikaramochi. One of them keeps to help the last rose for longer than a month.


Japanese Culture@holiday


Shin and Mei-Shun walked to their nearest shrine. Omikuji for the latter is as follows:

第七番 末吉 The 7th The Least Lucky

このみくじにあう人は 例えば舟に乗って 順風を待つ人のようで 月の光も曇り 山高くして車も行きにくい相と云える しかし神明を信じ 心の誠を尽くすならば やがて順風来り 月も輝きを増してくる

For those who see this sacred lot, it is like waiting for wind aboard a boat with moonlight deterred by clouds, mountains too high to go across by car. Belief in the Goddess Amaterasu and honesty would let them go ahead with good breeze and bright moon.


Aunt Bear


Yes, she has slept in the closet for years. Mei-Shun brought her home a time ago, let her join Christmas ornaments for a cypress tree in the garden. It was blown down by a storm, forced us to give up joy of outdoor decoration. Now she finds us well once more, so sweet to say she is happy to serve for a new mistress. Honey, we thank for your benevolence. Please keep patient for a while, this post will be transferred to another one with a new-year item atop soon.


Under Moonlight


Photos of 松風 arrived at hands of her twin sister Mei-Shun. A photographer in charge was sensible enough to include a piece of long shot. Regarding the moon, she thinks that Professor M, one of her most esteemed friends, is the best to take it. His wonderful skill allows any shape of the moon to be very clear. How do you broadminded followers compare one of his fine works with Mei-Shun’s?


Copyright © 2016 T. M. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2016 Professor M or Shimaneko Sensei All Rights Reserved.



After 1Y + 37Wks


She was right. How great it is to have a “Yes” phone call from Dr. A! Mei-Shun was out when her smartphone rang, yet immediately contacted her mother and Shin to let it know. Last time, the former chided her younger daughter that she had not informed on her seeing Dr. A. Oh? She gives no details on the day; sample analysis would need at least 2 weeks. “That may be true,” she said. “But you have to understand what mothers are like. They want to keep all tabs on their children.”

Oh, Again


Shin never checks up pockets after coming home, makes his wife wash train tickets so often. This time, one for a bullet train accompanied him from Taiwan. Hum, amazing technique in paper and printing — not so twisted in the washing machine, readable letters. They make sense for Mei-Shun who has learned Chinese on the radio. Y/M/D, car and seat numbers, paid by a credit card, for an adult. For your safety, please do not hesitate to use elevators if you are with big luggage or elderly.
