She Made It


Partly thanks to many summer days (over 25 degrees Celsius) and a few mid-summer days (over 30 degrees) in recent 4 weeks, Mei-Shun has reached the goal weight. So happy to see the scale, a bit worried about the celerity — it seems a bit too short a time to lose nearly 3 bags of sugar. She must be very careful to remain in her current condition for at least one month before going further.

Night Guard


Hi, Tora-chan, relaxing on a chair in a guestroom downstairs. Oh, sorry to interrupt you. A good girl never ignores her friends, full of hospitality. Mei-Shun just wanted to take your photo — looking elegant with a green stone on your neck. Mom-in-law allows you to stay indoors in daylight these days, while darkness keeps everyone including Dora-chan and Kuro-chan our garden cats.

After 3Y + 8Wks


Mei-Shun felt happy when Dr. A told her if she would take a longer “leave” prior to the next appointment. That means she has had no problem so far, yet anything would happen in your life. She therefore asked the doctor to see her in September, or in 4 months as she set today in January. Now is the time to wait a phone call. A full moon tonight could soothe her mind.

Color of Sky


Here are hydrangea in mom’s garden. Mei-Shun loves it, while the one mom-in-law planted is a bit too strong in blue. Light shade of the former was preferred by her late father as well. And oh, mantis babies, welcome to our balcony. You are so clever that were born before the season of rain after rain comes. Please do not hesitate to stay on grapefruit leaves for a while.

Belated Contact


Kasen-san, daughter of Master Mei-Shu, emailed to Mei-Shun recently. According to it, her mother has stayed at a nursing home from last autumn. So it has finally come. Mei-Shun, the last 名取 of Kikunoe Ryu perhaps, started to instruct Professor M in 京鹿子娘道成寺 from the end of April. 花子, lead role of this tragedy, might work to make all ends meet.

Beads Beats


Here are cute, round members of our garden. Mom-in-law received this big paper pot of green necklace from Mei-Shun, keeps as it is next to her cactus corner. Baby buds of opuntia greet them with shiny silver thorns still soft. Looking forward to rainy season soon, blue hydrangea also holds a lot of little balls. May we expect many flowers after your interval of last year?



Crowned Girls


Please find gifts from Mei-Shun to Maria and Madoka-chan respectively following below. The former is so noble, isn’t she? White coat allows her to look good in any color, yet the best is the simplest from one of her buffs’ viewpoint. On the other hand, the latter is in black-brown which accommodates all shade as well. Mei-Shun therefore referred to opinion from Ms. I, “mom” of Madoka-chan.

Master Bach?


Since mom had a hair cut and curl last week, she has looked a little weird. I wondered why and knew the reason: her tresses are too tight. Meow, you burst into laughter at dresser mirror, saying the image is just like paintings on the wall of music classroom. That great composer in 18th century always puts on a wig full of horizontal curls, while whose scores are never seen on Ms. Piano.

I’m curled as well.

Copyright © 2018 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Happy Encounter


We have 小満=shoman, the 2nd of summer 二十四節気 today. It means every plant has grown up to reach standard size. Still too young to call them so, rice paddy spread along a lane to the nearest shrine seems already doubled in height. Are you kind followers capable of finding a wild duck couple, float like green boats on water? A white egret and a gray heron also greeted Mei-Shun.

Joy of Garden


They live next to a bank Mei-Shun uses. Sorry to interrupt you, yet please do not worry. No information would be known by anyone to reach your place. Oh, how excellent they are this year when 旧古河庭園, one of her favorite place of roses, had their garden bloom 2 weeks earlier than usual. And her family also accommodates some including brown-red mentioned on Monday, white and pink flowers.