Amicable Angels


Today’s partner of Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun was Mademoiselle Angel. She reminds the latter of “L’harmonie des anges” composed by Master Burgmüller. The other day its melody suddenly stopped flowing on Ms. Piano. Such accidents in simple scores often occur, let a poor player repeat practice. Would you agree, a 3rd crescent who looks like an eye open a little?

Traumatic Träumerei


Lunar March starts from today. Before Mei-Shun got injured in a finger, she had played a moonlight score composed by Master Debussy first rather than another by M. Beethoven. However, last week heard opposite turn while followed by “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” as usual. Oh, Master Schumann appeared from below — she would practice some looking easy yet not.

Cute Collection


Mei-Shun has put scores of “Habanera” and “La Cinquantaine” under her favorite “Clair de Lune” composed by Master Debussy, thanks to 3-month practice. Their melody began to flow, allowed to join others including “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” for Shin. It is perhaps eyes and fingers who learn which keys should be pressed, ears and brain memorize harmony.

Crystal Cats


Mei-Shun practiced above today, piled right-hand on Ms. Piano. She has chosen left molehill including “Clair de Lune”, “Habanera” and “La Cinquantaine” since the end of last year, almost forgot to play scores composed by Master Chopin except for ” Lento con gran espressione”. One of the reasons is a gift from Shin, normally put on a book of M. Beethoven suites.

Simple Scores


Mei-Shun makes it a rule to practice “Habanera” and ” La Cinquantaine” almost every day. Most people have heard these new comers for her, no mistake allowed on keys of Ms. Piano. By the way, other friend scores like “Clair de Lune”, “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” and so on let her feel relieved: Mss. Right and Left fingers seem to be well connected with memory. Melodies flow, harmony follows.

High Heels


Mei-Shun walked to a nearby hair salon. She put on a pair of court shoes taking it a chance for 5-minute workout to walk elegantly as much as possible. She failed last time, while succeeded today. It is more cloudy and humid than yesterday, seems suitable for such training. A cup of green tea was a nice treat for her feet, from both of which a few corns were removed on Monday.

Missing Moon


Mei-Shun practices “Clair de Lune” composed by Master Debussy almost every day. Her fingers recognized recently a few progress; score pages turning reduced, sometimes never. That might mean she memorized 70 – 80% of it. By the way, shape of that graceful entity in the sky is blurred to her eyes these days — an enormous net covers all windows. She therefore walks out of home every night.

Shining Silver


Mei-Shun resumed French and Spanish radio lessons from Monday. Absent for half an year, yet it was amazing that she has not forgotten the latter so much. Precisely, she has studied the former since a university student, while 4 and 3 grades held by APEF were gained after she moved to Ibaraki. Just 15 minutes spent for each anyway, such practice makes her weekdays more satisfactory.



Thank you so much, Professor M. His photo above seems to accommodate a lady sitting on folded legs, holds a ball. Her silhouette reminds Mei-Shun of the heroine of 京鹿子娘道成寺. Yes, this part requires dancers to walk and jump crouched. Such exercise never allows them to have tyres around waist. It would therefore be the best for the last 名取 of Kikunoe-Ryu to keep her body in shape.

Earlier End


Welcome back from the U.S., Shin. He took no day off, went out by Mr. Diamond this morning. Mei-Shun followed him on Ms. Scarlet after a few hours to see Dr. M, her home dentist. Empty place of late Ame-chan almost recovered from a hole. However, a little problem was found there: an awfully black spot was seen in a photo. It is not decayed yet, requires intensive care.