Wonderful White


It is quite cloudy from early morning today. Mei-Shun takes it easy to avoid suntan. Her only concern is weather forecasts of 40% rainfall around noon. Which would be better; going out for horsey riding, or staying home in kimono to practice 京鹿子娘道成寺? She chose the former accompanied by sweet Mikan-chan. Her great protection let a shower stop when they arrive at the club.

Double Dance


千穐楽, the last and 15th day of sumo bouts was held on Sunday. Mei-Shun put on kimono, found herself in difficulty a bit. That may mean weight control goes well, yet also she has kept a kind of distance from this charming costume. All right, she would set a new 晴耕雨読 rule; to wrap it around waist indoors, instead of dancing with horseies outdoors in sunny days.

Current Count


This is the last day of Mei-Shun at her present age. She and Mikan-chan would like to convey millions of thanks to you kind 512 followers for joining them so far. Here is their promise to continue efforts; dance with horsey, piano practice, kimono care, health keeping, etc. If they could help you to smile and relax a bit, it would let them step forward further.

We Wish


Meow, this is the end of 2023 weekdays. Thanks to you kind 512 followers, I and mom really enjoyed reporting on my breed, music represented by Ms. Piano and dance for a whole year. Oh, speaking of the last term, she would attend an intensive course from next month. Kabuki dance is always in her mind, while similar motion of lower body on a horsey would be good contribution to it.

Copyright © 2023 Angel Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Party Preparation


Mei-Shun wrote up and brought all 年賀状=nenga-jo, New Year’s greeting cards to a post office yesterday as well, before cooking. Her signature stamp rarely appears from a drawer; used only for Mr. O, husband of beloved Master Mei-Shu and Professor M, the last student of that charming lady. By the way, are you kind followers able to find Mikan-chan in above image?

Home Horsey


I and mom went to our usual club to dance with Ms. Manifest. Yes, we have done well, purr. The latter lady was the 1st who did it smoothly several years before. Mom put on double sandals or 二足の草鞋 at that time, meaning 2 different classes at Master Mei-Shu’s place and here. Other diversity is seen on a scale: she had a few more sugar bags around waist.

Copyright © 2023 Angel Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Fierce Forecast


And solar November starts from today. However, Mei-Shun is a bit scare of 夏日=summer day in higher than 25 degrees Celsius from tomorrow. They say it would happen approximately every decade. How about 2013? Her memory does not save data of hot autumn. 2012 was the year when she gained 名取 diploma. Examined by 京鹿子娘道成寺, that August was really torrid.

Celebrate Chrysanthemum


We have 重陽の節句, lunar September 9th today. It is the last of 五節句=5 days of odd numbers on this calendar following; January 7th=七草, March 3rd=桃, May 5th=端午 and July 7th=七夕. January 1st was too special to be included. It anyway reminds Mei-Shun of beloved Master Mei-Shu, who kindly gave her last 名取 many kimonos, obi sashes and coats.

Two Twins?


It seems to Mei-Shun that there are many, imperative pairs around us; our hands, eyes, ears, legs, etc. If one of them be in trouble, the other could work twice. However, it is not so easy because we take their normal functions for granted. She was interested in “pas de deux” or duet in kabuki dance as well, never has come true in person yet with horsey these days.