Joy? of Diet


So February has seen Mei-Shun spoil herself. According to results of health check (including physical measurement) conducted at the end of last month, she is healthy on the whole, yet has a slight tyre around lower body. Well, absolutely. Even if staying within the borderline, she has never reached the ideal weight calculated by BMI for a decade.

You are slender under a fluffy coat, honey.


Cute Doctor


Ms. Sagittarius, great to see you at home. It is very rare for this chestnut-brown girl, so popular that often works up to maximum hours a day. And it hardly happens to Mei-Shun either — she had a sudden headache, canceled a class to take a rest. Shall we therefore share relaxed time on a cup of tea, while brown sugar and green vegetable especially for you?

Early Spring


Mei-Shun’s route to the nearest shrine shows clearly which season walks with her. Current one sees veronica persica and plums; blue, white and pink bloom more and more day by day. Yet oops, she drew 凶=kyo, unlucky omikuji lot. Dear flowers, 狛犬 couple and moon-window lanterns, please give your merciful sympathy to this a bit plump dieter.

Clair de Lune


Oh, what a shock it is — Mei-Shun partly forgot how to play that beautiful score. She admits the fact that Master J. S. Bach has occupied her mind for these 5 weeks, while never stops admiring Monsieur Debussy. Her practice patterns always include the latter’s pieces: “Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum” and “Arabesque” sound great and are best for finger stretching. It just depends, what would be chosen to enjoy next.

My Day


Mom told me it is today, meow-meow-meow. Since it has been sunny and warm for these 2 weeks, I feel better than last month. Other news regarding our species follow: 1. Tora-chan, my colleague living in the garden surprised mom putting off a neck belt made of artificial skin. 2. One of Tora-chan’s friends often occupies her bed. They closely resemble each other, might be a mother and a child, dad says.

Copyright © 2019 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Going So-so


Mei-Shun means her diet. She resumed walking to the nearest shrine at least 4 days a week, with the latest omikuji lot says:

The 20th Lucky: those who see this lot would find light in the dark like a bright moon. Still, watch steps forward and Gods would give protection to reach happiness.

狛犬 couple A-chan and N-chan, could you bring her half-lucky one to your master?

Supermoon. Copyright © 2019 Shimaneko-Sensei All Rights Reserved.

Once More


… of effective private lesson by Ms. I Mei-Shun received today. She lately began to understand the reason why many members of our club, including those who have even 3rd grade certificate of horsey-riding technique, return to gallop in narrow circles. Since only one-3rd number of lessons are served for those above 4th graders like herself, even a wide-square field are always full of Mr. and Ms. Sagittarius.

Warmer Rain


We have 雨水=usui, the 2nd of spring 二十四節気 today. It really does — raindrops started to fall before noon, much earlier than forecasted. Well, as 大寒 was with spring in the air compared to snowy 小寒 last month, blossom season might follow sooner this year. By the way, Mei-Shun wonders what would come for tonight when supermoon is expected to be seen.

Just cloudy in the morning.

Beauty Ever


So Mei-Shun had her lunar birthday yesterday. She is quite satisfied with success in bringing the gift from Shin longevity; dried via “parasols”, salmon pink and orange color in 35 fresh roses almost kept. Or stronger yellow shade from nearby princesses, making them more chic. However, she is too careless to pass by safely. Please let her say sorry and pick up petals still giving sweet scent.

Tea Time


Oh, not regarding you, handsome boy. It was served at a beauty saloon the other day when Mei-Shun visited there for hair dye. A piece of cake has accompanied it years before, yet it is not for her in sweets austerity right now. Instead of snack full of sugar, she chooses nuts, popcorn and dried fruits; half-handmade trail mix between classes in the afternoon.