Terra Cotta


Mei-Shun sees a flowerpot sit alone at a door of the Us on the way in walking. Looking nice in the morning sunshine, while not alone sometimes — a cat relaxes next to it. Hi, do they keep you? May she name you Raco-chan after your artifact friend? You put a grey jacket on a white shirt. That combination resembles Kuro-chan, who never let Mei-Shun approach within a 5-foot circle in diameter around him/her. Such atmosphere you have as well.

rako-2 (2) rako-3 (2) rako (2)



鮎, ayu tastes the best from June to August. Mei-Shun has a propensity for it, asked Shin to arrange a lunch date at their favorite Japanese food restaurant in Shinagawa. They know well what she covets, serving a course featuring grilled one. This genuine delicacy is edible from top of head to edge of tail, except for white-salted fins. Oh, rainy season is over in Kanto area. Thank you so much for bringing real summer to us.

sweetfish (2)

Long Rain


It seems we are still in the season this year. Such weather may remind Mei-Shun’s generation of 1993, when cool summer affected seriously on rice harvest. We lacked rice so much that our government imported a lot from Thailand. It might have lead to today’s popularity of Thai cuisine in Japan. At that time, however, the fluffy texture of Thai rice was a kind of shock for most of us. On the other hand, もちもち感 =mochi-mochi-kan, a lush mouthfeel of Japanese rice have been well accepted in many countries recently.

Cicada Lady


She is so small that Mei-Shun’s thumb fits her size in half. You are a lady who gives no voice, aren’t you? Thanks to keep silent, Mikan-chan is very much interested in you. Your peaceful repose let us go on quiet in mind. As for her mom, she is a bit scary at your buzzing to rush toward her. However, she takes you nearly cute today. What is your breed, honey? If you are the romantic 蜩, higurashi who sing at dawn and sunset, she feels quite lucky to see you.

cicada lady (2)

Right Ceramics


It has come on Mei-Shun’s molar of the lower right jaw. Yes, on the right. Actually, she had her left jaw swollen by narcotic injection in June. She therefore had her right molar shaven instead of left last month — no nerve, no pain for this one since it decayed seriously 2 decades before. It is regretful that she did not take good care of her teeth in younger days. They say Streptococcus mutans infect in babyhood, yet such finding is based on accumulated sacrifice by millions of patients.

Cool Purr


It’s been nice for good sleep since yesterday. Mom gave up walking out in the morning, doing workout indoors. Oh, she starts 汐汲 practice as well. Good girl, you have to do it every day. You ask how about me? Meow, no exercise is necessary. Look at my elegant body line. No diet either, my eating is well controlled by Dr. O’s advice.

on cushion mikanchan (2) kunoji-mikanchan (2) marumari-mikanchan (2)

Copyright © 2016 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Happy Donuts


Sometimes you really crave them, don’t you? Mei-Shun does, maybe because she resembles her late father in favorite foods. He used to bring home a box of assorted donuts after job. Little Mei-Shun was so happy to choose one as a dessert next morning. Now on low-carb diet, she has to refrain from sweets as much as possible. However, when she feels herself out of control, it seems better to eat them a little, replacing other carbohydrates. Breakfast toast for example, as the best candidate for substitution.

Shall We?


Mei-Shun started piano lesson at the age of 5. That seems why she loves music, headed by classical ones. She belonged to a brass band club in her junior high school days, playing the horn while Shin did as well by chance as a tuba player. Today, a letter from Professor K of Nihon University, one of Mei-Shun’s respectful benefactors, told her that he takes lessons for alto saxophone these days. Now, who would follow us next?

Tatami Moon


She appeared from under a fan. It is amazing how quick our new tatami mats change their color — just weeks have passed since they replaced our older ones. Juliet asked Romeo no to swear by the “inconstant” moon that monthly changes in her circled orbit. Well, so she does even under our feet, dear lovers.



Japanese Culture@holiday


偕楽園 accommodates a lot of old, beautiful trees represented by 梅=ume, or plum which blooms in early spring. It makes the garden so crowded that Shin and Mei-Shun never approach there, while months except for February and March find them in serenity. On the top of their recommendation list is 吐玉泉, togyoku-sen found below. Water flow from many natural springs are collected into the lowest point, put this marble rock called 寒水石 as a well curb.
