Shortest Month


So this is it for February, just 4 weeks normally: 2018 looks forward 2020 as the next leap year. As mentioned before, those with following three Chinese zodiac symbols子=ne, 辰=tatsu or 申=saru had February 29th in years they were born. Mei-Shun is included in this 25% group with the last one, feeling nice to see her special date today which comes 100%.

Caps and Hats


… are among fashion items Mei-Shun loves. She found today a cute knit with a sale tag of half price! All right, since tomorrow is her lunar birthday, you would be her gift purchased by herself. And oh, you carry the same tag as well? She would like to bring both of you home. Such an exciting shopping after a tiny operation actually. Good bye, an atheroma in her left ear.

Queen Vitamin-M


Mei-Shun is a fruits lover. So was her late father, had some after every meal. They used to enjoy various citruses in February, never thought of strawberry — quite expensive, only for inpatients at hospitals, he said. Daddy, thanks to agricultural research and development, we have already rushed into another best season of those red, crispy and juicy babies.

Roseau Pensant


Mei-Shun visited her mother’s home today carrying a box of jellied and chocolate-coated apples made by a chocolaterie in Hino, Tokyo. They enclose leaflets with each product, quoting famous words on what human life is. Since mom opened her younger daughter’s 10-day-belated St. Valentine gift after lunch together, the latter found it accompanied by Dr. Pascal for the first time.

Day of Mikan-chan


Dearest sweetheart, please let Mei-Shun and Shin express their best appreciation to you; meow, meow, meow. Your beauty, equanimity and health make their lives glisten. How romantic it is to see with you a lot of white feathers falling from silver sky! It reminds you of the first rain you gazed through the same window 15 years ago, doesn’t it? Oh, you prefer facing Mr. Aladdin.


Grace Pursuit


It seems to Mei-Shun that Japanese dance and horseback riding share much. For example, her lower body needs to be very stable while upper including arms and shoulders flexible enough. She might have learned how to do so in gallop lessons with Vanilla-san, feels so happy. Another target is comfortable rein handling in trot with blackish-brown Madoka-chan and snow-white Maria.


Happy Chocolate


Meow, you should brush me up before reading papers. It sounds nice that your pet skaters won medals in current Olympic Game, while does not matter to me. Just keep sitting down here on the sofa, do not wander about to do the dishes or to cook. By the way, why do you eat so much sweets this morning? You saw the best result in recent weeks on the scale yesterday? Purr, good for you.

Copyright © 2018 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Dance, Dancer


Yes, she would. That is why Mei-Shun calls herself here so, even if Master Mei-Shu decided to close her party. She gave her last 名取=natori student a phone call the other day from a hospital, saying she has a long story on this matter. Well, well. Since we have 雨水=usui, the 2nd of spring 二十四節気 today, snow will soon melt into warm rain to fall on her frozen kimono sleeves.

Moon in Coffee


Lunar 2018 starts from today. Mei-Shun visited the nearest shrine for the second New-Year greeting to Gods while prayed them for good health of her family. Since that includes successful diet for herself as well, she felt reservation at a hair salon on this date would promise a fortunate result. Following cute cup and saucer was served there, 5 minutes from her home.

All Whites


Swans, black-headed gulls and plums. 花鳥風月=kachofugetsu; flower, bird, wind and moon represents Japanese beauty while implicates many others including patterns on kimono, the sun which enables the moon to see, mountains where wind comes down from, etc. These friends of Mei-Shun floating on 乙戸沼 Pond surface reminded her of the flower lane, let her drop in the bakery again.