Relaxed too much


Our penthouse is one of Mikan-chan’s favorite place to take a nap. When she is nowhere around, Mei-Shun goes up there to find her baby sleeping like this. Why don’t you close your legs, mademoiselle?


Last Spurt


Just one month is left for Mei-Shun before performing on the stage. There are a lot of things to do – lesson room reservation, invitation letter writing, lunch box order, hotel room reservation (to take a bath after the performance), etc., yet the most important is to control herself. And this is the most difficult.

A Tragedy


Mei-Shun has recently found that she would be forced to put on a chon-mage wig during her performance on November 2. Chon-mage! You would see it only in samurai dramas or comedy shows. Young boys look all right after removing the shishi-shaped cap, yet women are … . Just a matter of sigh.

Reasonable Best


Mei-Shun rented a space for dance lesson at a nearby community center. For just 300 yen, she occupied 2 rooms removing wooden slide doors to make it stage-sized. Glass windows served as a big mirror. Great place to swing sarashi. Thanks a million to neighbors.

Best Ohagi


Mei-Shun saw her mother, the best cook of ohagi, yesterday to enjoy it together. For us, ohagi is a dessert. However, some people have it as our normal staple food: they put cooked rice into a bowl, placing anko on it and – add tempura on the red bean jam!! Can you believe it?

Lovely Birthday!


September 20 is the birthday of Mei-Shun’s daughter, who is for ever three-year old. Would you … oh, like it? Thanks, my sweet girl. Mom feel happy too.


Can’t Move


Please find Mikan-chan below. Could you guess where she is? Well, she stays between Mei-Shun’s legs! Why you like such a place?? Let mom turn around, baby.


Feeling Relieved


Master Mei-Shu finally saw a doctor. No problem has been found after a medical checkup, including CT scanning and colonoscopy. Glad to hear that! Master, please  eat more. Mei-Shun would eat less for you.

Painful Batty


Mei-Shun received a letter of estimate for a batty-repellent measure. Shocking price – it costs as much as she dances on the stage twice. Oh, you are shocked? Yes, amateur dancers have to pay for rental costumes, make-ups, stage settings, etc. by themselves.

Egret-like Castle


Mei-Shun visited Himeji Castle this weekend. After repair, some people ironically call it “shiro-sugi-jo” instead of “shira-sagi-jo” (=white castle looks like a beautiful egret), meaning too white one. They might prefer the clear contrast between black roof and white wall of normal Japanese castles.