Joy at Garden: 1


Tsukuba Botanical Garden accommodates a lot of attractive plants. Your eyes would be drawn toward a beautiful guard just after one step into this institute. Well, let’s stop gazing at it, or you cannot go beyond the front gate. Walking between mammoth sequoias, a greenhouse to grow Savanna plants appears soon. Mei-Shun loves these white cacti while Shin Lithops or living stones.

Welcome Home


She would become Mei-Shun’s fourth girl. Actually, she has terminated a silver Volvo in an accident. Thanks to his firm body, she got no injury. That turned into her intention to drive another in the future. Shin asked his brother-in-law, a car broker to look for one in scarlet if possible. Carrying 富士山 number, she looks coming from Shizuoka Prefecture.

Oh, Girl,


Tora-chan. You are not allowed to stay there. Mei-Shun told you not to come up stairs, didn’t she? Even if you stopped jumping over the last gate, it is against our rule anyway. Look, it took more than an hour for Mikan-chan to forget a shock of unforeseen encounter, sit down relaxed beside mom before going asleep. We feel so sorry for you to say, yet it is she who is our one and only Princess Indoors.

Exciting Sale


Professor S. kindly gave Mei-Shun an invitation to a sale held at 平和島, Tokyo. The latter heard of this event from the former who is always in chic jackets, so much interested in. Her first experience was accompanied by Shin that allowed his wife to enjoy nice view of colorful foliage along 隅田川 River. Approaching the goal, she found 大井競馬場 and stared expecting a glance at a lovely horsey, yet saw nothing.

Slow Starter


Our backyard gingko finally began to turn yellow. He is the last to do so, that means autumn is leaving soon: temperature in early mornings has already sunk under 3 degrees Celsius. Mr. Aladdin has asked Mei-Shun to replenish his stomach for a few times. Now, blown by gale after gale of winter, she receives another occupation to pick up fallen leaves in balcony.

Beautiful Jobs?


Mei-Shun’s first workplace in Shinagawa accommodated splendid view from a wide window facing the sea under an expressway bridge, where rainbow often saw us rejoice its perfect color and shape. A national research institute has many lovely trees including her favorite 山櫻=yama-sakura, a wild cherry. And her current office at home enjoys Christmas cactus in a big pot of Shin’s grandfather this year.

Bow-wows, Meows


February 22nd sounds meow-meow-meow to us Japanese cat fanciers, while January 11th 3-time bow-wow for dog lovers. So it seemed to Mei-Shun that today must be pets’ day. However, it is just called いい夫婦の日=married couples’ day to say thank you to each other. Well, nothing to complain — expression of gratitude is the most important for good relationship.

Persimmon Art


Dr. K kindly sent a box of beautiful 富有柿 to Mei-Shun the other day. She was very happy while a bit surprised, e-mailed him to show her appreciation. He immediately replied that above persimmons are from his birthplace 岐阜. His remote relatives living there own an orchid, began to enclose these beautiful leaves and a leaflet in fruit boxes following his wife’s advice.

Totoro’s Cap


I am. He stands looking at the first sunshine in the morning, I love to jump on him to warm ourselves together. Since it is freezing from last weekend, we must be in a hurry to catch the sun — he quickly goes into futon mats of cloud. Meow, dear my friend, stop your nose running. Mom told me laughing that it was me who made you like this, yet I don’t believe it. Purr … purrr …

Copyright © 2017 Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Warm Wishes


乙戸沼 has not yet hosted lovely friends — winter still seems to stay behind late autumn with 朔 of lunar October or 神無月 tomorrow. We have to wait a little more to see waterfowls play and chat lively on the pond, while it makes Mei-Shun straighten herself up again. At least one of her 2017 goals should be accomplished, even if halfway in respect of beauty.