Paws Help


Sunny autumn days contribute well to mom-in-law: they are indispensable for her hobby to take care of our garden. When Mei-Shun hung futon mats in southern balcony, she found Tora-chan serving like an attendant. Yes, an empty box is always yours. Oops, sorry to interrupt you, Ms. Mantis. Mei-Shun saw you fly for the first time — or she did not know you can do it. Looking frail onto your back, wings really make good job.


Peach Princess


Named きららの極み=kirara-no-kiwami, Extremely Shiny, they arrived into Mei-Shun’s arms. How pretty, and how tasty you are left in room temperature for three days! Growers recommend to have them immediately after delivery, yet she prefers softer mouthfeel. Interested in environmental difference, she put tags on each fruit to recognize time before stored in the refrigerator.


Fragrant Olive


That sweeeet scent comes from neighborhood these days. Our horseback riding club has some trees around the field, makes lessons more romantic and comfortable especially at night. Not only give charming aroma, they also look lovely in bloom. Those little orange flowers keep beauty even after falling on the ground. Such sight reminds Mei-Shun of her high school festival held in the middle of September.

Happy Birthday


Mom, Mei-Shun and her elder sister would like to say it again. They gathered at her home today to hold a lunch party celebrating her 2-month-delayed anniversary. She told them that a pack of crape mix is available, yet it was found to be for pancakes. Well, no problem. Two housewives were flexible enough to bake, cook and serve; green vegetable soup, pumpkin salad, potato filling and a mountain of pancakes were on the table.

After Harvest


They have grown green again. Several 彼岸花 or 曼珠沙華, red spider lilies trim current rice paddy. According to Shin, those dried bunches of rice were for growers themselves. Such care is too high-maintenance to serve for mass consumption. Oh, regarding newly harvested rice, Mei-Shun received some the other day from a police officer who was involved in a traffic safety campaign.

Are You?


Mei-Shun took him/her as Tora-chan at first when she walked by a little park where recyclable trashes are stored once a month. However, he/she looked scared at the sight of a human being. Never friendly toward us, you might be one of Tora-chans brothers and sisters who lives a wild life of stray cat. Sorry to interrupt you, honey, please go ahead. She hopes you will find something tasty there.

Lucky Owl


Please call him Fuku-chan. Drew Mei-Shun into his round eyes the other day, he sits on a 座布団=zabuton, Japanese cushion handmade by mom-in-law from her son’s Aloha shirt. It has become not only too big for Shin but also out of his summer trend. Yet as a textile, it is very smooth in 100% silk while with lovely goldfish and flower in nice coloring. Why don’t we make the most of it?

Happy Birthday


to you, Mikan-chan. You always give mom Mei-Shun great pleasure; your sweet voice soothes her mind, your shining green eyes are beautiful enough to let her feel just satisfied. What shall she and Shin do to celebrate this precious day? They would like to serve your favorite jelly every day, yet do not know how to cook it pH-controlled. Please stay with us for long in 一病息災=ichibyo-sokusai, one disease would keep you healthy.

Lunar August


We see the slightest moon tonight. With 朔, the best day to make a wish tomorrow, Mei-Shun is still wondering how to get along with her diet. Since it has become cooler as Mikan-chan mentioned recently, perspiration during walking and horse riding is not so much compared to the one in summer. Maybe another method is necessary — “once-a-week sweets” is on the top of candidate methods list.

Japanese Culture@holiday


Mei-Shun’s favorite tea shop, one of branches closed recently, sent her a letter of invitation. 蔵出し新茶=kuradashi-shincha, stored tea of the first harvest, has been “ripened” in a refrigerator for half an year since 八十八夜, they say. With a discount ticket enclosed, she would like to visit another shop at the nearest train station soon to reserve some.