Horse in the Rain


They looked quite all right. It was Mei-Shun whose concentration wondered around the elliptical riding ground, going counterclockwise. She likes to see rainy sight, hesitates to step into it without any gears. However, Shin and mom-in-law never share her feeling — could you stop using her favorite umbrella as a walking stick?

Spring Soon


This winter is called a warm one, had a summer day in December, mild new-year days while the recent week to see heavy snow. It suddenly gets hot and cold: such an extreme choice the weather makes. It is never easy for us to get rid of catching cold. Why don’t we wish 立春, risshun =the first day of spring set on 4th next month, to really mean?

Stock Energy


It is so difficult to keep cut flowers fresh. Our “Yellow Card” started to brown in petals — just 10 days have passed since we cut them. They had looked bright in a pot 3 times as long as they were in a vase. That shows us remarkable power of their mother stock. And it is the reason why we must remove flowery branches within a month to assure her longevity.

Snow in West


The weather forecaster says that it has heavily snowed in Kansai and Kyushu areas. Master Mei-Shu flew to Tokushima, Shikoku last Thursday. It has seemed that she might be a 雨女, ame-onna=a woman to whom rainfalls always follow, since heavy rain often troubles her hometown when she visits there. This time, it turned to snow while 雪女, yuki-onnna has all different meaning.

Freezing Morning


Our Aladdin stove starved last night. Mei-Shun found it just after taking a bath, set the timer to let him start at 5:00. She wished it worked for left 10 minutes, yet he denied to. It might be the coldest morning of this winter — still in the dark, our gas range made a good job to warm the room while serving us hot tea, soup and lemonade.

Supine Bathing


…in the sun. Mikan-chan loves to use mom’s blanket as her bed for a nap. Oh, how cute your fluffy tummy is! However, your highness, would you please mind closing your legs?

tummy on blanket

Tasty Floor?


Mei-Shun spilled olive oil in the kitchen this morning. She was shocked first, and thought after a moment that it was not so awful. This ingredient is not only a great source of unsaturated fat but also reputed as a fine cosmetic. Then why don’t we make up the floor with it? A bit slippery though.

2016 Symbols


These lovely monkeys came to us in different routes; fluffy one with a red ribbon is from “Arles“, smaller one with golden ears from Fukushima. They take after each other in friendly visage, yet one is made of felt while the other of wooden chips.

my symbol

Doubled Waraji


Master Mei-Shu gave the last lesson of this month today. Mei-Shun had not been able to practice enough, showed poor dance, feeling so embarrassing. It is called difficult to be engaged in two trades at the same time, or 二足の草鞋を履く. She knows it well. Or just meant to know …

Like a Bouquet


Would you enjoy another version of our “Yellow Card”? Since the eldest flowers began to brown, Mei-Shun searched how to keep a pot of cymbidium healthy. It is better to cut blooming branches after one month, they say. Oh, it has been a bit too long for you to stay here, darling, so sorry. Your twin sisters still look bright enough, please feel safe.

yellow card1