Poor Player?


Meow, sweet melodies are always aired at mom’s horsey riding club. It often features piano scores including “Salut d’Amour” composed by Master E. Elgar, which she once gave up and put under other pieces. However, the same tune sounds when they make her hold on the phone. It might be a message to encourage you. “All right”, she said and opened the lid of Ms. Piano. Purr, it goes better than before, doesn’t it?

Copyright © 2022 Angel Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Still Summer


Last Saturday was 八朔=hassaku, 1st of lunar August. Mei-Shun visited the nearest shrine to greet Gods and make a wish drawing omikuji lots. Her favorite cicadas 蜩=higurashi and Tuk-tuk 法師=hoshi were singing lively there, while almost none of the former around her place. And it may be too cool today for them to play their instruments on the back. Oh, slight rain started to fall.

Export and Import


Shin went on a business trip to Thailand last week. Yummy souvenirs include Bertholletia or Brazil nuts whose big, rare trees naturally grow in Amazon Rainforest only. People in that smiling country therefore might love this nutritive breed, trade it by cashew and coconuts. It was also the first experience for Mei-Shun to have popular sweet tamarind, dried and packed in the smallest bag.

Allegro to Adagio


Some combination of scores help Mei-Shun to play Ms. Piano more smoothly. For example, Waltz Op. 64-1 or “Valse du Petit Chien” composed by Master Chopin leads to easier “Le Cygne” by M. Saint-Saëns. “Pavane pour une Infante Défunte” by M. Ravel also works for “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” by M. Bach. Since tempo is all different between the former, fingering might matter.

Cozy Connoisseur


Meow, mom’s mom is very happy to find a 桔梗=kikyo or balloon flower bloomed in her garden of 草津 cottage. Compared to previous one, it seems to have layered petal. So grandma is wondering if such shape is caused by a mutation, or natural crossbreeding. She would come back at the beginning of next month, rush toward her main computer to search, ask questions and report on the result.

Copyright © 2022 Angel Mikan-chan All Rights Reserved.

Brilliant Blue


Shin, Mei-Shun, Mikan-chan and Ms. Scarlet visited 涸沼=Hinuma Pond on weekend  for the first time. Much smaller compared to 霞ヶ浦=Kasumigaura Lake, while looks cleaner. It may be thanks to rivers flowing into the former, and the sea whose water climbs up to it at high tide. 大杉 Shrine and a swan sit still to observe people playing on the shore.

Sayonara Summer


We have 処暑=shosho, the 2nd of autumn 二十四節気 today. The 1st 立秋=risshu, not featured here on 7th, Sunday means that cooler season has come. However, almost every year sees it quite hot or the most torrid. On the other hand, 処暑 might depend and Mei-Shun feels 2022 has a real one: sleepless nights have gone, appetite would return to her soon.

Bite at Night


Do you kind followers like to have sweets a bit before going to bed? Shin and Mei-Shun do, or are forced to when a gift from a client of the husband is due within that day. And it seems practical for him to eradicate rice, the most loved food from every meal. On the other hand, the wife was satisfied with numbers on a scale. She therefore might deserve it even if failed in dance with horseies.

Severe to Soft


It rained heavily this morning, made Mei-Shun quite worried about horsey-riding lessons she reserved in the evening. Sunlight seems to have chosen milder way, sometimes pats us on the back in the afternoon. Now could you dance, Mr. Hallelujah Sunday and Ms. Nuts, with her who puts on a vest works as an airbag instead of kimono?

Leaving Leaf


Mademoiselle Vert started to change clothes. Growing a light green bud from the top, she is ready to put off the eldest frill in yellowish brown. It reminds Mei-Shun of her own tyre around the waist removed at least for recent half an year. She wish it not to return; it is a kind of duty for the former to abandon one and achieve another, while never for the latter.