Moon Mist


Lunar April starts from today, just 1 week after solar May did. Mei-Shun enjoyed refreshing wind under 25 degrees Celsius, got on Ms. Scarlet before noon while Shin his new car in the morning. When the wife saw the latter for the first time, she was nearly shocked by its color — almost equivalent to house wall repainted last year. That is why your name was given immediately, honey.

Meow May


Purr, solar one starts from today. I and mom were scheduled to go out for horsey riding, yet it rains from early morning. We therefore canceled lessons with Mr. White Mocha this afternoon, changed others tomorrow with Mr. Loki. By the way, our 晴耕雨読 rule makes us read, study, cook, clean, etc. at home. Now shall we sing moonlight scores on Ms. Piano, expecting 雨月 tonight?

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Fluffy and Full


We would expect a round moon tonight, yet a rainfall started from early morning. Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun hope it will stop within today to let them see that celestial beauty. On the other paw, they wish horsey riding field drier than rice paddy tomorrow. Now it is time for her mom to sing those 2 scores with Ms. Piano — half of people passing by still use umbrellas.

Practice Pressure


Mei-Shun often makes mistakes on Ms. Piano, even in her favorite “Clair de Lune” composed by Master Debussy. When she concentrates well, finger movement and key positions seem to melt into melodies flowing smoothly. However, sudden stops force her to read scores again. She wonders which key a note means, writes down sharps or flats with a pencil stub.

Traumatic Träumerei


Lunar March starts from today. Before Mei-Shun got injured in a finger, she had played a moonlight score composed by Master Debussy first rather than another by M. Beethoven. However, last week heard opposite turn while followed by “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” as usual. Oh, Master Schumann appeared from below — she would practice some looking easy yet not.

Ms. Moon


Solar March starts on Friday, ends on Sunday in 2024. Mei-Shun therefore feels like still staying in previous month today. On the other hand, she would do that it is pleasant to have April, top runner of our fiscal year, begin from Monday. How does the beauty in night sky go ahead? She will not appear on 10th meaning the 1st of lunar February, the same as its January.

Shining in Sky


Good morning, Ms. 立待月. Yes, she still stays at 5 : 00; let us see her again as 居待月 tonight. It is actually the 2nd time for Mei-Shun to greet her: 1st was when she drove Ms. Scarlet at 22 : 00 yesterday to pick Shin up. Since the husband would make a business trip to U.S.A. from tomorrow, the wife is busy to pack his suitcase. It is fine for him as well, to get rid of cedar pollen.

Japanese Culture@holiday


Happy birthday, His Majesty. Mei-Shun celebrated hers on lunar calendar yesterday, calling meow-meow-meow with Mikan-chan. On the other paw, please let them say thanks a trillion to you kindest 515 followers. Such a nice number would find them making more efforts to invite other 7 guests on displays toward 22. Do you agree, snowy sky, with them?

Cute Chocolats


Here the day comes to admire that sweets. Mei-Shun put a box onto Shin’s desk while he was having a morning bath. And it is birthday of mom-in-law as well, on lunar calendar. A basket of flowers was ordered to deliver — yet oh, they might ring the doorbell to call herself, not the other for her daughter-in-law. The latter phoned the shop at 9 : 00 opening time, when her failure just sounded.

Sweet Sign


Shin and Mei-Shun visited the nearest shrine yesterday, January 3rd on lunar calendar to greet Gods while make new-year wishes. Now how are their omikuji lots? Oh, 吉=kichi, lucky of No. 22. Is it you, Mikan-chan, who kindly gave mom this one? On the other paw, dad found 末吉=sue-kichi, the least lucky. It might mean to let them share good luck from their fluffy daughter.