Japanese Culture@holiday


Mei-Shun did not purchase her preferred 柏餅 and 粽 this year. She makes weekly order for foods delivered on Friday, while it was one of our national holidays. That forced her to gave up asking a superb 和菓子=Japanese sweets maker to send their products on the same weekday. However, gentle Shin brought home above saying the blue box is all for his wife.

Bye-bye Blue


Mei-Shun finally put away above stove guy into 押入れ closet. What does he carry on the head, do you kind 517 followers wonder? It is a gift box from a chocolate company via one of credit card. She ordered it last year, while totally forgot when. And the number of ice cream cups surprised her: 14, layered by a paper holder. Well, 2 nephews living nearby would help Shin and his wife.

Amicable A-chan


Shin and Mei-Shun walked to the nearest shrine on weekend, enjoyed an enormous carpet made of cherry petals. On the way to there, they found wild flowers in various colors including pink, blue, violet, yellow and one in Mikan-chan’s name of course. Elder 狛犬 helped the wife to greet Gods before drawing an omikuji lot. She had 小吉, a little lucky while the husband better 吉.

Wonderful White


It is quite cloudy from early morning today. Mei-Shun takes it easy to avoid suntan. Her only concern is weather forecasts of 40% rainfall around noon. Which would be better; going out for horsey riding, or staying home in kimono to practice 京鹿子娘道成寺? She chose the former accompanied by sweet Mikan-chan. Her great protection let a shower stop when they arrive at the club.

Mother Minds


We have 清明=sei-mei, the 5th of spring 二十四節気 today. It is said to mean various flowers fill the ground, while Momo-chan puts on a bright pink kimono for only 10 days per year. Maybe as mentioned before, she descends from Mei-Shun’s grandma of mother’s side, grown into such a beauty by mom-in-law. It is great to see the latter found well by her daughters in our garden.

After 8Ys + 51Wks


Dr. A kindly gave Mei-Shun “Yes” phone call this morning. It would be informed only to Shin who stays in Vietnam from last night. It seemed warm there when he left home, 20 degrees Celsius shown on his PC. However, a digital signage at Narita Airport said 13 was added: summer covers spring. On the other hand, winter came back here to overcome the latter comfortable season.

Joy of Osaka: 1


Mei-Shun made a rare trip alone, accompanied by sweet Mikan-chan, toward above city on Saturday. Shin, already stayed there working, met them at 新大阪 Station; they planned to watch 初日=the 1st day of sumo 三月場所 together from Sunday. A Japanese-style restaurant served gorgeous dinner, where the wife ordered sake brewed in 奈良, called 風の森=windy woods.

Pot Pool


Mei-Shun loves to cook beans. Here are her favorite 花豆=hana-mame, runner beans came from 草津 via mom. They met during New Year holidays when the latter gave her younger daughter various, dried while gorgeous agricultural products. Now one of the most important points to make it a delicacy is to soak enough, until each bean returns to volume in pods.

Tunisian Table


Professor M kindly gave Mei-Shun a box of local sweets. They were served for her tea time with Shin after 22 : 22. It is really nice to be adult, isn’t it? The husband ranks tart balls in the 2nd line from the right on the top, while the wife walnut ones from the left. Pistachio marzipans and square pies followed them respectively. And pine nuts are the same 3rd.

Sweet Sign


Shin and Mei-Shun visited the nearest shrine yesterday, January 3rd on lunar calendar to greet Gods while make new-year wishes. Now how are their omikuji lots? Oh, 吉=kichi, lucky of No. 22. Is it you, Mikan-chan, who kindly gave mom this one? On the other paw, dad found 末吉=sue-kichi, the least lucky. It might mean to let them share good luck from their fluffy daughter.