Sumo Sakura


Mei-Shun’s 2nd favorite rikishi has changed his 四股名=shiko-na, name in 土俵 ring from coming 五月場所= May Tournament held in Tokyo. She means to treasure a towel his previous name printed on, used just twice in Fukuoka and Osaka. To her pleasure, today’s newspaper features his family who loves cherry blossom — it is the same as her beloved father.

Joy of Aquarium: 2


Here is a spotted seal living in an enormous sun lounge with a tank put below. He/she is one of a couple, kindly greeted Shin, Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun. Such a friendly mammal who swims around, jumps out of water to relax on an artificial shore. His/her attitude reminds above wife of a pygmy hippopotamus she saw at Ueno Zoological Gardens, where dad-in-law was working.

Mikan-chan and Mei-Shun


When titled mother and daughter visit “Arles”, they always go through different routes; 2/3 in Tsukuba toward the shop, the same in Tsuchiura from there home. The latter let them pass by a crossroad where Mr. O, husband of beloved Master Mei-Shu, takes just 3 minutes on foot to his place. He would still keep the lesson room clean with a 木札, wooden nameplate of that gentle lady hung above 床の間 alcove.

Butterbur Bud


Mei-Shun visited her parents’ home after 2 months since she did with Shin during 三が日=the 1st 3 days of the New Year. This time found another family; elder sister Y who lives nearby above place, mother of M-chan. It might take 2 years for these 3 women to gather again: pandemic prevented younger daughter from regular visit. Now would you join us, dad?

Japanese Culture@holiday


Yes, this is Culture Day. Along with Labor Thanksgiving Day on 23rd, our national holidays in November never move into Mondays like September: the latter makes “Silver Week” using Respect for the Aged Day and Autumnal Equinox Day. The former often gave Mei-Shun chances to perform on a stage as well. Master Mei-Shu, would she be able to do it again?

Celebrate Chrysanthemum


We have 重陽の節句, lunar September 9th today. It is the last of 五節句=5 days of odd numbers on this calendar following; January 7th=七草, March 3rd=桃, May 5th=端午 and July 7th=七夕. January 1st was too special to be included. It anyway reminds Mei-Shun of beloved Master Mei-Shu, who kindly gave her last 名取 many kimonos, obi sashes and coats.

Kimono in Kyushu


Mei-Shun won a ticket for sumo basho held in November at 福岡. It is birthplace of her beloved father, something might lead his younger daughter. She actually tried to get one for 両国, Tokyo from Sunday yet failed — well, many buffs of this sport prefer better access. Since she was joking when participated in a kind of raffle draw on the net, a message to inform on success almost shocked her.

Watered Widely


Happy birthday, mother. She stays in 草津 from weekend enjoying cooler weather till next month. It seems to Mei-Shun the best gift from beloved father to his wife. And it might be another for their daughters: a rainfall from early morning after 8 serial days of intense heat. How nice it is to stop air conditioners for ventilation all through rooms! Cicadas sound grateful as well.

19 on 9


Mei-Shun feels a bit confused. Why do they say that 2023 rainy season “seemed to” start yesterday almost clear, not today with a heavy rainfall from early morning? Well, different from her childhood, weather forecasts never declare it. Beloved father, you preferred sunny weekends to play golf. Your younger daughter does on weekdays to dance with horseies, not in kimono.

Windy Wings


Above is wisteria in the garden of Mei-Shun’s mother. Since wild breed accommodated in “backyard” has gone with a host tree, the former feels happy to see planted one. It reminds her of Queen Dreamer, passed away several years before when most tall trees around the club had those violet crowns on the tops. Which do you prefer these days, fly or gallop in the sky?